Rosicrucian Lessons Pdf
Wherein the “ Ever Livi ng Go d” was adored a s the sol e God of the universe. Th e book let r eveal s the spreading of that great light throughout the world and its final culmination in the establish- ment of modern religious and spiritual truths. The book furthermore explains the part that the Rosicrucian Brotherhood has had in the dissemi- nation of this knowledge in all lands, and tells in detail, also, how you may become a member of the AMORC movement and enjoy its instruc- tions and benefits. This book will be sent by mail without obligation to those who request it.
Address your communications to: G en eral I nqui r y B ur eau. MORC is the abbreviated name of a move- ment established many years ago in Amer- ica to carry on the ideals and purposes of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. These ideals and purposes have to do with the b u il d in g o f c h a ra c te r a n d th e d ev el o p m en t o f p er s o n a l, d o rm a n t, o r u n u s ed m en ta l an d s p ir it u a l faculties, possessed by every man and woman. Th e organizati on teac hes the applicat ion of the human faculties and capacities to the solution of everyday problems, according to metaphysical, p sy ch ol og ic al, s p ir it u a l, a n d n a tu ra l la ws. The f oun da t i on of t he A M O R C mo v em e nt was established by the first Rosicrucians who came to America in 1694, as a result of the growth of the uplifting activities of the Rosicru- cians in Europe and other parts of the world. The organization is not new in any sense, since it traces its actual historical existence back through the centuries to the mystery schools es- tablished by the philosophers and savants in the fir st cen tury of the Ch ristian Era.
Its traditional history, filled with romance and alluring stories of achievements in the illumination of civilization can be traced through the preChristian eras to the temples of sacred teachings in Egypt, Persia, India, and Chaldea. The Rosicrucians throughout the world today represent the leading characters in the fields of pr o gr es si v e sc ie nc e, a rt, li te ra tu re, an d p u re p h il o - sophical, spiritual thou ght.
The Rosicrucian Mysteries An Elementary Exposition of Their Secret Teachings By Max Heindel Author of: The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception, The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers, The Rosicrucian Interpretation of Christianity, Rays from the Rose Cross, etc. Third Edition Rosicrucian Fellowship Oceanside, California London. The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order; An Examination of the Rosicrucian Allegory, Philosophy, and Grades. Rosicrucian came into public notice early in the 17th century. In 1610 the Fama Fraternitatis; or a Discovery of the Fraternity of the most Laudable Order of the Rosy Cross, circulated in manuscript among groups of German occultists.
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Th e membership con - sists almost wholly of men and women whose desire for the Rosicrucian teachings is actuated by v a ri o u s a lt ru is ti c m ot iv es a n d p ur p os es g e n - erally centering around the noble aspiration to. Tion is to the spiritual and mental comprehension of men and women who desire to master the complex problems in life through efficient and understandable methods. The saneness and rationalism of the teachings p re se n te d by th e o rg an iz a ti o n fin d fa vo ra b le re - action in the minds of men and women who de- p lo re th e u n so u n d n cs s o f m an y o f th e m o de rn hypothetical principles taught by speculative schools of mystical or metaphysical pretensions. The insistence of practicability and demonstra bi li ty in th e te ac h in g s o f th e R o si cr u ci an s p re - cludes the adoption or presentation of.