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As an industry service, Shell is proud to sponsor this important safety information. 2010 OUT-OF-SERVICE CRITERIA The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has released the revised Out-of-Service Criteria (OOSC), effective April 1, 2010, for placing vehicles Out-of-Service at roadside safety inspections. CVSA is a nonprofit organization bringing federal, state and provincial government agencies together with representatives from private industry in the United States, Canada and Mexico who are dedicated to improving commercial vehicle safety. The OOSC identifies serious violations that render a commercial vehicle or commercial vehicle operator an imminent danger to the general public. Commercial vehicles and operators placed Out-of-Service cannot operate until those items that rendered them out of service are remedied or repaired.
The OOSC contains minimum standards. CVSA emphasizes that operators should maintain their equipment at a higher level than presented in the OOSC. The following information is only a summary and is limited to OOSC relevant to property-carrying operations. This summary does not necessarily cover the OOSC in full detail, so it is strongly recommended that operators also obtain the Official 2010 CVSA North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria.
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The official version includes complete details, graphics and federal regulation references. For information on obtaining the official criteria, visit or call 202-775-1623. The necessity for CVSA law enforcement members to implement and adhere to these standards is: • A matter of law; • Determined as necessary by the alliance to promote safety; and • A professional obligation. Except where state, provincial or federal laws preclude enforcement of a specific item, CVSA law enforcement members shall comply with the North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria.
VEHICLE OUT OF SERVICE CRITERIA BRAKES Defective brakes A vehicle or combination vehicle is Out-of-Service if 20 percent or more of its service brakes have one of the following defects: • Any steering-axle brake defect listed in next section. • Won’t actuate effectively or friction material won’t contact drum/rotor. • Audible air leak at chamber. • Missing brake on any axle required to have brakes. Drum air brakes • Broken or missing brake shoe, lining, return spring (shoe or chamber), anchor pin, spider, cam roller, camshaft, pushrod, yoke, clevis pin, brake adjuster, parking brake power spring or air chamber mounting bolt. • Loose air chamber, spider or camshaft support bracket. • Lining has crack/void, observable on edge, wider than 1/16 inch.
• Portion of lining is missing, to the extent that rivet/bolt is exposed. • Lining has crack, observable on edge, longer than 1 1/2 inch. • Loose lining segment, permitting about 1⁄16-inch movement. • Entire segment of lining is missing. • Evidence of oil, grease or brake fluid contamination of the friction surface of the brake drum and the brake friction material.
• Lining thickness less than 1/4 inch or to wear indicator, if so marked, at shoe center. Air disc brakes • Broken or missing caliper, brake pad, pad retaining component, pushrod, yoke, clevis pin, brake adjuster, parking brake power spring or chamber return spring air chamber mounting bolt. • Loose or missing brake chamber or caliper mounting bolt.
• Rotor has evidence of severe rusting or metal-to-metal contact over the rotor friction surface or on either side. • Evidence of oil or grease contamination of the friction surface of the brake rotor and the brake friction material. • Brake pad thickness is less than 1/16 inch or to wear indicator if pad is so marked. Brake adjustment limits.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike’s East-West route (Interstates 76/276) and its Northeast Extension (I-476) intersect with the toll-free southern sections of I-476 at the Mid-County Interchange in Norristown, Pa. This is a favored location for truck inspections in Eastern Pennsylvania because of a high volume of truck traffic.
Trooper David Hodges of the Pennsylvania State Police pulled this truck aside after the driver paid his toll. • With engine off, reservoir at no more than 90 to 100 psi (dump excess pressure) and brakes fully applied, push rod stroke 1⁄4 inch or more beyond adjustment limit. • Counting as one defective brake, two brakes having a stroke less than 1/4 inch beyond adjustment limit. Hodges marks every pushrod, then checks brake-stroke as the driver applies the brakes.
• Defects of drum air brakes, air disc brakes and hydraulic brakes in the previous section apply to front steering axle brakes with one exception: –For drum brakes, lining with a thickness of less than 3⁄16 inch for a shoe with a continuous strip of lining, or 1/4 inch for a shoe with two lining blocks or to wear indicator, if so marked. • Mismatched air chamber sizes for drum air brakes and air disc brakes. This excludes long-stroke air chamber versus regular-stroke air chamber; and for drum brakes, differences in design type, such as type 20 clamp versus type 20 rotor chamber. A mismatch on an air disc brake exists only when there is measurable difference in air chamber clamp sizes. • Mismatched brake adjuster length for drum and air disc brakes. • Any bolt-type brake chamber with any other type of brake chamber. Spring brake chambers • Nonmanufactured hole/crack in spring brake housing.