Geroi Skazki Teremok Kartinki
From Germany to United Kingdom About this Item: Condition: New. Publisher/Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Rubezh XIX - XX vekov V dannoj monografii russkie narodnye prazdniki, yazycheskie po svoemu proishozhdeniju, rassmatrivajutsya v svyazi s iskonnymi verovaniyami vostochnyh slavyan, ih agrarnoj deyatel'nost'ju, processami hristianizacii, a takzhe narodnymi magicheskimi praktikami.
可能感兴趣: torrent teremok Geroi_Skazki_Teremok_Kartinki_M4DIM2.exe 收录时间:2018-04-07 文件大小. 可能感兴趣: Kartinki Teremok terem.
Osobennost' i naznachenie yazycheskih prazdnikov zavisit ot sostavlyajushhih ih jelementov, kotorye otnosyatsya k obryadam perehoda. Obilie nazvanij prazdnikov v dialektah podtverzhdaet aktual'nost' samih prazdnikov, ih yazycheskuju sushhnost' i bol'shuju ih koncentraciju nachinaya s zimnego solncevorota do osennego ravnodenstviya. Tem ne menee, dialekty otrazhajut daleko ne vse, a tol'ko samye vazhnye dlya naroda prazdniki.
V rabote predstavleno vidovoe raznoobrazie dialektizmov, ih semantika, morfologicheskaya i sintaxicheskaya struktura, sposoby narodnogo slovotvorchestva i samye rasprostranjonnye formanty. Kniga predstavlyaet interes kak dlya kul'turologov, jetnografov, religiovedov, lingvistov, tak i dlya vseh ljubitelej russkoj kul'tury. Format: Paperback Language/Sprache: rus 382 gr 220x150x14 mm 244 pp. Sema 11 4 rus torrent 2017. Seller Inventory # K256 93.
From Finland to United Kingdom About this Item: Eksmo, 2018. Condition: new. Narodnye russkie skazki mudrye i pouchitelnye, smeshnye i grustnye, naivnye i lukavye, no vsegda charujuschie, uvlekajuschie v svoj volshebnyj mir, gde lisa mozhet byt ispovednitsej, a ljagushka tsarevnoj, gde zhivut-pozhivajut Kroshechka-Khavroshechka, Vasilisa Prekrasnaja i Koschej Bessmertnyj, gde igrajut gusli-samogudy, a zolotaja rybka ispolnjaet ljubye zavetnye zhelanija.
Sobranie skazok, v tom chisle i zavetnykh, sostavlennoe folkloristom, literaturovedom i istorikom Aleksandrom Nikolaevichem Afanasevym, predstavljaet soboj naibolee polnuju ikh kollektsiju, udachno dopolnennuju narodnymi anekdotami i pribautkami. Language: Russian. Pages: 672 EAN 471. Seller Inventory # 95. Within United Kingdom About this Item: Let Me Print, Russian Federation, 2012.
Condition: New. Language: Russian. Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This book,?????????????????????????????????????, by???????, is a replication of a book originally published before 1877.
It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible. This book was created using print-on-demand technology. Thank you for supporting classic literature. Seller Inventory # AAV978 100.
From United Kingdom to U.S.A. About this Item: Condition: Marked. Phillips de Pury - London, Sale title - Contemporary Art, Date - 27th & 28th June 2011, No. Of lots - 364, No.
Of pages - unpaginated, Illustrated in colour A concise gallery catalogue that illustrates all lots and contains descriptions but is not the full catalogue INDEX Ackermann R., Aitken D., Allora J. & Calzadilla G., Alys F., Andre C., Aoshima.C., Araki N., Arman, Armleder J., Arp.J., Art & Language, Attia K., Bacon F., Baechler D., Baldessari J., Basquiat J M., Bauer M., Beshty W., Beuys J., Bleckner R., Boetti A., Bracey C., Bradford M., Brannon M., Brodahl C., Brown C., Brown J., Bulatov E., Cabellut L., Caivano V., Calder A., Calle S., Calzadilla G. & Allora J., Cang.X., Castelli L., Chelushkin K., Chernega N., Chetwynd L., Christo, Chuanxing.Z., Cipre S., Clayton Brothers, Collier A., Condo G., Cragg.T., Cucchi E., de la Cruz A., de Saint Phalle N., Delvoye W., Demand T., diCorcia P L., Dragset I. & Elmgreen M., Dubossarsky V. & Vinogradov A,, Dzama.M., Emin.T., Err, Esser E., Fang L., Fischer U., Fischli P. & Weiss D., Fontana L., Frost P., Gander R., Gao, Geis A., Gelitin, Gerhard T., Gnoli D., Goldin N., Gost R., Graham D., Gursky A., Guyton W., Hamilton R., Haring K.,, Hassanzadeh K., He S., Hein.J., Henneken U., Herold G., Herrero F., Hildebrandt G., Hirschhorn T., Hirst D., Hodges J., HOfer C., Hume G., Indiana R., Innes.C., Joffe.C., Johanson.C., Judah G., Kabakov I., Kahrs J., Kapoor A., Kassay J., Kelley M., Kentridge W., Kiarostami A., Kippenberger M., Klein Y., Klymenko A., Koons.J., Korner J., Kosuth J., Elmgreen M.