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What does signing up for #DeadpoolCore mean? It means you ’re part of Deadpool ’s inner sanctum.

You will be bound to an elite unit of Crimson Commandos dedicated to the greatest film ever made. You will be locked, cocked, and loaded with everything a true “core fan ” needs to prepare for the theatrical release of everyone ’s favorite “Merc with a Mouth ” all over the world. Drivers Mostly, it means you will receive emails with exclusive content and F -ing awesome digital goodies. How do I sign up for #DeadpoolCore emails?

First, check your sack (or lady sack if you got one ) and see if you got what it takes to be part of #DeadpoolCore. Then go to and sign up. If you can ’t figure that out, you probably failed the sack test. Why should I join #DeadpoolCore? Ask yourself “Am I even worthy? ” And the answer is a resounding, “HELL YES, YOU ARE! ” You ’re just the type of person who wants to receive periodic emails filled with mind -blowing, butt -jiggling, Bea -Arthur lovin ’ 50,000 bajigowatts of awesome – all deliciously wrapped inside Deadpool ’s electronic “news and content ” chimichanga.

What do I do once I sign up for #DeadpoolCore? Well, here ’s the best part. Signing up is literally the most difficult part - everything else is just extra whip cream topping from a pressurized can. Just wait by your portable email device and prepare to take in everything that I ’m about to give you (be sure to take deep breaths to help prevent any tearing ).

Also, stare in the mirror and say my name three times backwards. Wait and see what happens #DeadpoolCore? Isn ’t it spelled differently?

Deadpool wants no truck with fancy -cigar -smoking -pinstriped lawyers who wipe their boom -boom down with hundred dollar bills. How do I keep DeadpoolCore emails from ending up in my spam folder? Be sure to add to your safe -sender (and safe -word ) list. It seems everyone’swelldead.

Which is good news for you, as it means X -Force has vacancies! Ready to join the roster? Here’s how to get in on this sweet deal in 5 easy steps! (Don’t worry. We’ve got that whole workers comp thing figured out now.


) Download the X -Force application below. Either print the form out or fill it in digitally.

Whatever makes your little heart happy! Post your form on social page and tag it with #ApplyToXForce. Practice your superhero landing. Apparently it’s a superpower.

Getting Goddard is a coup for the studio. He has been destined to spearhead a superhero franchise for a long time. Aside from launching the Daredevil series for Netflix, Goddard wrote to direct The Martian, but stepped aside for Ridley Scott to instead direct his script for the Spider-Man villain spinoff The Sinister Six, until that film was scrapped for the new iteration of the webslinger. Now Goddard has his franchise.

While other studio superhero moves have gotten more attention lately, Fox has continued to mine the X-Men universe, with strong up and coming directors. The Fault in Our Stars helmer Josh Boone has completed the spinoff X-Men: New Mutants for release April 13. David Leitch wrapped Deadpool 2 for June 1, and the Kinberg-directed X-Men: Dark Phoenix gets released November 2. Goddard is repped by UTA.