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• • • • Perinatal mental health community services development fund Perinatal mental health community services development fund 35 new sites announced in community perinatal mental health service expansion A second wave of community perinatal mental health funding has been announced which will allow pregnant and new mothers experiencing mental health difficulties to access specialist perinatal mental health community services in every part of the country by April 2019. As part of the £365 million investment in perinatal mental health services, a second wave of NHS England funding means that across 2018/19 £23 million will go to 35 sites around the country to ensure improved access to treatment and better outcomes for women and families. The 35 sites cover 38 and 134 Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) areas, and four NHS England regions.

Of the 35 sites that have been awarded funding, 28 are receiving funding from May 2018 to set up their new or enhanced specialist community perinatal mental health services. A further seven sites will begin implementation of their new or enhanced services from August 2018. Sites beginning implementation from May 2018 • Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (New service/expansion of small locally funded service): Establishing a new service across Bedfordshire and Luton and enhancing the service model in Milton Keynes, with plans to work closely with local women and charities to support families in early years settings. • Birmingham and Solihull (Expansion of Wave 1 service across footprint): Expanding the service across two additional CCGs with particular efforts to improve equality of access to the diverse local population. • Black Country and West Birmingham (New service): Establishing a new team with plans to utilise telehealth and other digital platforms to see patients across a complex geography. • Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (Expansion of Wave 1 service across STP): Supporting expansion of a community perinatal mental health service to the remaining 3 CCGs in the STP to ensure equity in access. • Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire (Enhancement of Wave 1 service): Enhancing staffing numbers and skill mix to meet local demand, with an evaluation by the local university.

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• Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (New service/pilot service in place): Establishing a new comprehensive service across the whole STP offering personalised and family-centred care. Walking dead season 5 episode 13 torrent kickass • Cheshire and Merseyside (Enhancement of Wave 1 service): Expanding the existing Wave 1 staffing numbers and skill mix to accommodate the large geographical area and to ensure equality of access and care. • Coventry & Warwickshire (New service/expansion of small locally funded service): Establishing a specialist community perinatal mental health team across all three CCGs within the STP to enable widening of referral criteria.

• Derbyshire (New service/expansion of small pilot service): Establishing teams across all three CCGs within the STP based on learning of a small pilot team that has demonstrated improvements in early identification. • Dorset (Enhancement of well-established locally funded service): Enhancing their staffing numbers and skill mix in line with national guidance and supporting quality improvement initiatives including training and evaluation.

• Durham, Darlington and Tees, Hambleton and Richmondshire and Whitby (New service/expansion of small locally funded service): Establishing specialist community perinatal mental health teams across all five CCGs within the STP. • Frimley Heath joint application with Surrey Heartlands (Expansion of Wave 1 service fully across STP areas): Establishing service access across two STP areas, to ensure full provision to CCGs in Surrey Heartlands STP and the remaining CCG in Frimley Heath. • Gloucestershire (Enhancement of Wave 1 service): Enhancing staffing numbers and skill mix in an established Wave 1 team to meet local demand in a large rural area. • Hampshire and Isle of Wight (Expansion of Wave 1 service across whole STP): Expanding an established community perinatal mental health service across the whole STP area. • Herefordshire and Worcestershire (New service/expansion of locally funded service): Expanding a small existing service and using innovative coproduction approaches with service-users to generate a service model that places patients at the centre of care. • Hertfordshire and West Essex (Enhancement of Wave 1 service and expansion across footprint): Enhancing their staffing numbers and skill mix including additional staff training opportunities.